As part of prostate cancer awareness month Prostate Scotland, has launched a new website to provide information about prostate cancer and disease, its symptoms and treatments. The website, designed and built by Union Digital, ( provides a wealth of information for people with prostate disease as well as prostate cancer, is aimed at men and their families. The site includes videos by doctors about treatments as well as patients sharing their own experiences. A resource centre contains downloadable booklets on all kinds of prostate disease.
Robert Wilson, Chairman of Prostate Scotland, said: “We are delighted to launch this new website during prostate cancer awareness month to enable people across Scotland to have access to information about prostate cancer and disease. With nearly one in two men likely to get prostate disease at some stage in their lives, and one in ten men prostate cancer and a projected increase in incidence there is a vital and growing need to ensure that men and their families have access to information and support. We would like to also thank Union Digital for their creativity, expertise and skill to enable us to develop this new multi-functional website”.
Prof. Alan McNeill, Trustee of Prostate Scotland and Consultant Urological Surgeon said: “Prostate disease and prostate cancer are all too common, but yet many men remain unaware of them or the symptoms of disease. I am pleased that there have been some significant advances in recent years both in information for patients and in treatments, however, there is still room for improvement – especially in encouraging early diagnosis – the earlier the detection and diagnosis the more effective treatment is likely to be. This new website will help make a difference by providing a comprehensive source of information for patients and their families wherever they are in Scotland.”
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Scotland and the incidence of prostate cancer is projected to increase over the next decade, yet prostate health issues are still not well enough known. One aim of Prostate Scotland is to change that. It is hoped that the new website will be one of the tools which will help towards achieving that particular aim.
The Union was also the agency responsible for Prostate Scotland’s brand identity when the charity was launched.